Saturday, March 20, 2010

Shopping in DeLand

Brian had to pick up something in DeLand today, so we went shopping downtown for a bit. We found an amazing store, Carasells Collectibles. I think between the two of us, we wanted just about everything in there. We managed to show a bit of restraint. Here's what I came away with.

These really awesome Girl Scout badges. (A bit of research tells me one is for manners. I haven't yet found the other).  I found a bag of old ones last week that I had forgotten about. Now I just need to find something to do with all of them!

These fruit magnets are amazing. I really like the lemon. He's like, "Yeah, whatever. I'm a lemon."

This Chiclets tin was a great find. That little banner says, "on everybody's tongue."

I also got this a little later, courtesy of my clumsiness and the brick sidewalk.

It's way more painful than it looks. Or I'm a wuss. Or both. And I was even dressed all cute and spring-like! Those little pink things on that dress are bunnies!!! Brian said he wasn't going to make fun of me. And then he said: "You're supposed to spring into spring, not fall into spring." Nice.

Obviously I'm working backwards with my thrift store finds. Vacation finds coming soon.


Brooke said...

Awesome finds! I love your blog, I found it through indie biz!:D

rachel. said...


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