Tuesday, September 6, 2011

After Work Adventures in Food

(Disclaimer: August was super busy with getting married and work/school picking up, so I slept on the last half of the 30 Day Photo Challenge. D'oh. I'll post wedding posts and such soon! In the meantime...)

Brian's adventures in craigslist pickups this evening led to a short, but exciting adventures in food. 

Lucky for me, the person he was meeting led us to a coffee shop I had never tried: Downtown Credo. I had never heard of it before going, but the coffee is tasty, the atmosphere is swell, and although I'm either tired or their website is vague, it seems like they're doing good things.

On the way there, yours truly remembered it was Tuesday, meaning we could stop at the Lake Lily Food Truck Cafe on the way home! I hadn't been there in a while, and to my surprise, there were new food trucks! And at least one of them even had food I could eat!

While I was waiting for cupcakes (see below), Brian found The Gastro-Truck and ordered himself some mac & cheese and a grilled cheese for me. Tasty!

And last, but most certainly not least, cupcakes!!! The first part of the month is always very exciting as that's when The Yum Yum Truck  debuts their new flavor. This month, in honor of impending autumn, it's Hootenanny Harvest Apple! And it's scrumptious! So scrumptious in fact that I'm having a hard time not eating the one Brian was too full to eat. Must...not....steal...husband's...cupcake...

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