Saturday, September 10, 2011

Adventures in Couponing

If you're like (the old) me, the word "couponing" leaves you terrified. I don't even have cable, but I've gotten the picture of how Extreme Couponing has made coupons seem like paper madness.

Well, I too, was afraid. But I've started reading Money Smart Fashion this year, and I have been inspired by the way Grace tackles saving without making clothes out of burlap sacks or eating nothing but Ramen noodles. Plus, she coupons and doesn't seem like a lunatic!

So I started focusing on saving dough. 

And then, my new Kindle (with special offers) offered me How to Shop for Free for $1. Great savings on a book about savings? It was obviously a sign.

So I took to working the coupon world. I got a subscription to the Sunday paper (with a coupon code, of course). I became a BzzAgent (it's amazing - it's how I got the food below for free). I've printed stacks of coupons. I've nabbed any available coupons in my path. I've added a bunch of couponing blogs to my Google reader. 

I'm certainly not "extreme", but I have saved a good deal of money. And donated to the food/toiletries pantry at work. This couponing thing is pretty fantastic.

Everything in the picture (except Elvis) set me back $6.50. It's not free, but it will do!

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