Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's already started!

My stomach decided that I needed to come home from work, so my couch-confinement deems it time for blogging.

We haven't officially set a date yet, but we're thinking of getting married on our anniversary next year: July 2, 2011. Being that I'm a brainstorm-and-plan-o-holic (and that these things take time), I'm already trying to come up with ideas for the wedding.

The only problem being I can count the weddings I've been to on one hand...and the most recent one was something like 15 years ago. And all I remember from that one are the hour d'oeuvres. I'm sure this could end up being a good thing and make for a unique wedding, but right now, I'm like, "wedding? what's that?"

To make up for this lack of real-life experience, I've been filling in the gaps by scouring the interwebs. And boy is there a lot to scour.

So far, I've come up with something like seven places where we have to have the wedding, and this number is still growing. The real problem with this is that a couple of the really great places are on the gulf coast...and we have no idea whether that could mean getting married in a tar pit by next July. Thanks for that, BP!

Here are some images of inspiration that have my brain wheels turning...

Dear family, please acquire a piece of land less than 700 miles away that I can use as a blank canvas. Love, Rachel

1 comment:

Celina said...

How exciting! You get to plan for your wedding.. Congrats! (: I've only been to a handful of weddings, too & the last one I went to had a photo booth for guests to use & leave photos in an album as a guest book. It was so much fun!

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