Friday, August 6, 2010

One Ring Zero

In 2004, ReadyMade Magazine created a compilation of music. A printed template of a CD envelope was included with one month's issue, along with a link and password to download the 12 songs. The "case" is labeled "Volume 1", but I'm pretty sure it should be labelled "1 and only". And really, that's a shame, because I found one of my favorite bands this way: One Ring Zero.

Since then, they've continued to produce amazing musical projects. Around the same time, they released a CD/Book, As Smart As We Are, with lyrics written for them by authors such as Dave Eggers and Margaret Atwood. One of the members, Michael Hearst, also wrote an album full of new Songs for Ice Cream Trucks.

They're just about to release a new album, Planets, about...the planets. Below you will find the amazing video for the new song "Venus".

Now, put on your 3-D glasses and turn up the volume!


Unknown said...

wow! what a way to find a band u love.. thats a bit random! its good theyre having some success and still going x

Chelsea said...

thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! i'm glad you like the headbands! i have so much fun making them!

what a fun music video!

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